Prozac Lawyer

Prozac Lawyer

A Prozac lawyer advocates for the rights of victims who have given birth to a child adversely affected by the SSRI (selective serotonin reputake inhibitor) antidepressant drug. In 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Prozac, and it quickly became the most prescribed drug to treat anxiety disorders in patience. A couple years before the approval, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine stated that pregnant women taking Prozac were two times as likely birth a child with a congenital birth defect.

More recently, the drug has been linked with the potential to cause more serious Prozac birth defects such as abdominal defects, cranial defects, heart defects, and persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN). As a result for an increased chance of these potential congenital birth defects, victims are seeking legal help from Prozac lawyers.

Congenital Birth Defects Potentially Caused by Prozac

In 2004, the public was alerted by Health Canada of the potential adverse side effects of Prozac. Some of the potential Prozac side effects include the following:

• Congenital heart defects
• Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension (PPHN)
• Withdrawal symptoms

Most of the congenital heart defects are surgically treatable if they are caught early on, however multiple surgeries may be required throughout the child’s life into adulthood. The potential heart defects that may occur include:

  •   Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
  •   Pulmonary Atresia
  •   Tricuspic Atresia
  •   Transposition of the Great Vessels
  •   Atrial Septal Defect (hole in the heart)
  •   Ventricular Septal Defect (hole in the heart)
  •   Coarctation of the Aorta
  •   Tetralogy of Fallot
  •   Double Outlet Right Ventricle
  •   Truncus Arteriosus
  •   Double Inlet Left Ventricle
  •   Double Aortic Arch

Additionally, Prozac has the potential to increase the chance for PPHN – a condition that causes the blood pressure of the lungs to be abnormally low after birth. Resulting in an increase of blood pressure in the heart, which ultimately causes an insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood throughout the body.

A Prozac Lawyer is Prepared to Assist You With a Potential Prozac Lawsuit

If you or someone you know has taken Prozac while pregnant and given birth to a child with congenital birth defects, you are advised to contact a Prozac lawyer at Chaffin Luhana, LLP by calling 1-888-480-1123 for a free and confidential case review and to discuss a potential Prozac lawsuit. The Prozac manufacturers are both legally and financially responsible for any suffering that may have been endured by victims, and it is right to seek compensation.