Luvox Lawyer

A Luvox Lawyer can Assist You With a Luvox Lawsuit

Luvox (Fluvoxamine) is an antidepressant, which is categorized into a group of drugs called selective serotonin reputake inhibitors (SSRIs). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) passed Luvox in 1993 for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Luvox is also prescribed to patients suffering from social anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorders.Luvox and other SSRI drugs function by raising the amount of serotonin in the brain – which helps to regulate appetite, mood and anxiety levels.

Recent studies have found that Luvox has adverse side effects, particularly affecting pregnant women and their unborn children. Exposure of the fetus to the chemicals in Luvox during the first trimester raises the risk for the child to suffer from congenital birth defects. The connection between Luvox and congenital birth defects is causing victims to seek legal advice and representation from Luvox lawyers.

Reasons to Hire a Luvox Lawyer

Luvox was developed and manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Solvay. Luvox lawyers are holding Solvay Pharmaceuticals responsible for inadequately warning doctors and consumers of Luvox’s potential side effects including abdominal defects, cranial defects, heart defects, and persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN).

The cranial defects include cleft lip and cleft palate, among others. Cleft lip specifically appears as a small or large opening in the upper lip. Cleft palate occurs in the roof of the mouth, and it is an opening that extends up into the nasal passages. Cleft lip and palate are treated through surgery, and either condition may require multiple operations in order to correct the problem.

Luvox also has the potential to cause heart defects in newborns, some of which include:

• Coarctation of the Aorta
• Tetralogy of Fallot
• Double Outlet Right Ventricle
• Truncus Arteriosus
• Double Inlet Left Ventricle
• Double Aortic Arch

PPHN is diagnosed right after birth, and it is a condition that affects the lungs. The condition occurs when the blood pressure in the lungs remains low after birth, which causes the heart’s blood pressure to rise. This cause and effect situation leads to a lower amount of oxygen being released into the rest of the body’s bloodstream.

Contacting a Luvox Lawyer

It is the responsibility of pharmaceutical companies like Solvay to make doctors and consumers aware of any potential side effects of a drug such as Luvox. If you or a loved one has given birth to a child with a Luvox birth defect, you are advised to contact a Chaffin Luhana Luvox lawyer today at 1-888-480-1123 regarding a potential Luvox lawsuit. You have the right to seek compensation from Solvay Pharmaceuticals, and a Luvox lawyer can assist you.